This awesome card arrived yesterday mixed in with a batch of 200 general cards...and is definitely among the elite Favorite Favorites in my collection. I couldn't take my eyes off it and kept picking it up to see how the light would play off the surface of the embedded embossed features. I'm afraid the scanned image doesn't do it justice...you've got to handle it yourself.
A video should give a better idea of the card's properties:
Also, I managed to sort my formerly disorderly drawers of unorganized cards into my "favorites" categories. Next, I'll get around to actually putting them in my storage/display binders.
You've got me thinking alittle more about business cards and what they can do!
Are business card like the ones you have in the pictures actually worth money?
PS (EDIT THIS PART...I have 100's of visits to my blog about business cards each day...and would also like to do be in your blogroll? You can see it here... www.businesscarddisplays.info . Just pop me an email to dean@businesscarddisplays.info to arrange it if you choose to. Thanks)
I appreciate the time you spent sharing your skills.
I think in other word Gem The Gem was an automobile manufactured.